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Our Mandate 

Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador (TUFA) is an organization that promotes recreational fishing in the City of Toronto and GTA. We teach fishing knowledge, skills, etiquette, ethics and conservation. We work to protect urban anglers continued rights to access Toronto’s watersheds and shorelines. As stewards of recreational fishing, we support and actively participate in the conservation of Toronto’s growing fisheries, fisheries biodiversity and the protection of watersheds and fish habitat.


Our Membership

Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador (TUFA) has a social media page on Facebook with 7650 followers.  Approximately 6000 of those followers’ fish in Toronto and the GTA and are current Ontario Outdoors Card and Fishing License holders. From those 6000 followers a core group of 250 members have formed a volunteer team that actively pursues our participation in activities that support our mandate.


Promotion of Recreational Fishing in the GTA:


​Family Fishing Events

TUFA has planned and operated Family Fishing Events held in Toronto during National Fishing Week in the years 2012 through 2019 and 2022 to 2024. We plan the events, apply and pay for park permits, obtain and pay for event insurance, provide the rods, reels, terminal tackle, bait, educational materials and of course the volunteers. 


Parks Canada Rouge National Urban Park

Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador during 2015-2017 was a partner to the Parks Canada Rouge National Urban Park providing a Learn to Fish Program.


TRCA’s Fall Salmon Festivals

TUFA has been a partner of the TRCA’s Fall Salmon Festivals on the Humber River and Highland Creek providing a recreational fishing booth and a “learn to cast” experience for kids.


TPFR “Outdoor Recreational and Educational Classroom”

October 24, 2012 “Outdoor Recreational and Educational Classroom” TUFA was an assisting partner to TPFR in an “Outdoor Recreational and Educational Classroom” about Fish and Fishing held at Grenadier Pond for 100 students from three Toronto high schools.


                                Toronto Catholic School Board at Burd’s Trout Ponds

2017 – 2019 TUFA Members assisted in Learn to Fish Programs hosted by the Toronto Catholic School Board at Burd’s Trout Ponds.


Protection of Watersheds Fish and Wildlife

Shoreline Clean Ups

TUFA’s conservation minded members have organized and operated two shore line clean ups a year, each year from 2012 -2022 as part of the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up movement promoted by the Vancouver Aquarium.


Fishing Line Receptacles

In order to protect birds and wildlife we have built 85 fishing line recycling receptacles and installed them throughout Toronto. TUFA has built and provided an additional 70 fishing line receptacles that were donated and distributed to Credit Valley Conservation, Hamilton Conservation Authority and Ottawa’s Blue Fish Radio.


Invasive Species

Asian Carp (Grass Carp) TUFA has scouted and reported dozens of Grass Carp to the TRCA

Asian Swamp Eels TUFA has scouted and reported a significant find of Asian Swamp Eels to the OMNRF.


Fish Habitat Water Quality

International Joint Commission of the Great Lakes Toronto Remedial Action Plan Conference 2016 Keynote speaker. Topic Combined Sewer Overflow Discharge into Lake Ontario and the Humber and Don Rivers.


Fish Consumption

Member of the Committee for Assessment of Fish Consumption Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) Toronto Region Area of Concern 2014 to 2024


Fisheries Management Planning Input

Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador has been a member of the GTA Recreational Fishing Committee from 2012 through 2024.


Members of Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador (TUFA) were participants to the recreational fisheries plan “Fishing in Your Backyard”: An Urban Recreational Fisheries Strategy for the Lake Ontario Northwest Waterfront.


TUFA is a stakeholder on Planning Committees for Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) Fisheries Management Zones 16 and 20. 


Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador is a current member of Fisheries Management Zone 20 advisory Council.


Where We Fish

The areas we recreational fish encompasses FMZ 20 Lake Ontario North Shore GTA and FMZ 16 Inland Waters GTA. Lake Ontario provides the bulk of our fishing opportunities and fisheries. There are nine Lake Ontario Tributaries that flow through the GTA that have recreational fishing value. We have several storm water ponds scattered throughout the GTA that provide novice fishing opportunities. A few natural ponds and very small lakes across the top borders of the GTA provide day destination fishing trips.  


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